Having a savings account is arguably mandatory these days. The future will be more secure when you have sufficient savings. Mutual fund investment can be a safe option.
However, many people haven’t invested in mutual funds due to the lack of understanding and they consider the process complicated. Well, this may be the assumption of those who are not familiar with Bibit, a mutual fund investment platform. Especially now, Bibit is collaborating with Jago. This collaboration allows everyone to enjoy mutual fund investments that are not only smart, but also hassle-free.
Achieve Financial Independence through Mutual Fund Investment with Bibit
Financial independence is right in front of your eyes and the good news is, you can make it happen right away. Jagoans who want to smartly invest in mutual funds can download the Bibit application and create an account. Creating a Bibit account is quicker than making a cup of coffee.
To help you invest your money in the most suitable mutual funds and optimize your return, Bibit needs to know your risk profile. During the account registration, you will need to answer a few simple questions. Once you’re done, you’ll instantly know your risk profile.
You don’t have to think about which mutual funds to invest in. Bibit’s Robo Advisor is scientifically proven and could help you to map the risks and maximize your profit through diversification.
Enjoy the Ease of Investing in Mutual Funds with Jago Pocket
Every mutual fund investment requires capital in the form of money. To make it hassle-free in the future, once you enjoy the profits of your mutual fund investment with Bibit, you can use the Jago application for easier payment.
You can find a feature called ’Jago Pocket’ after the Jago application is downloaded. The Jago Pocket will make it really easy to invest in mutual funds with Bibit.
After linking your Jago Pocket to your Bibit account, there is no need to switch applications when you want to invest and top up.
Even better, investing with Bibit through Jago is free of top-up fees. The money that supposedly goes to paying top-up fees can be used to invest more in mutual funds. You can also top up starting from only Rp100 thousand and up to Rp1 billion. It’s very flexible, isn’t it?
What if you want to sell your mutual funds? Of course it’ll be simple. When you withdraw your investment, Jago will give you an automatic notification following the withdrawal. This way, you don’t have to wait and check when you receive the money in your account.
There is one more important thing related to mutual fund investment with Bibit. Since this investment is dedicated for the future, the more you invest, the higher the returns. To remind yourself to invest regularly through this mutual fund investment, you can plan from the start and use Auto Debit. Your investment will be automatically purchased according to the time you set. Isn’t it amazing to regularly save your money?
You can start managing your future from now on and enjoy how easy it is to invest in Bibit mutual funds. The Jago application can be downloaded here. And please, don’t worry about admin fees. By having a Jago account, you don’t have to pay for monthly admin fees. Transfers to other bank accounts (up to 150x) are also free, depending on your Account Level (starting 1 September 2022). For now, you can enjoy 25x free transfer.
FYI, with your Pocket that is already connected to Bibit, you can enjoy an interest rate of up to 3.5% p.a.*
*Interest rate can change at any time in accordance with BI interest rates & LPS policy