The results of a month's hard work can be enjoyed on payday. It is natural to want to buy what you desire when you receive your salary. But, don't buy it right away. There are 3 important things you need to check first.
What to Do or Check on Payday
1. Have you set aside money for monthly bill payments?
This is very important, Jagoans. Don't forget to pay all kinds of monthly bills. There are electricity, water and internet bills. There may be other types of bills to pay, depending on each person's needs. Those who have children, for example, have to pay their children’s tuition fees.
Make sure not to use half of your salary to buy what you desire upfront. Make sure you don’t ignore your bills. Later you may have to deal with consequences such as temporary suspension and late payment fees.
2. Don't forget that there are daily needs
In addition to monthly bills, there are daily needs that need to be taken into account. If you have already spent your salary to buy what you desire, you may end up eating instant noodles everyday.
Apart from food and water, other daily needs can include transportation, healthcare and sanitation. So, before buying that thing you want, remember you have to meet your daily needs first.
3. Savings are no less important
One more thing you need to check is about savings. Before spending money on something you like, it’s important to set aside money for savings first. It is recommended that everyone has emergency savings and retirement savings.
Do you have any financial goals you want to achieve? For example, you want to get married, buy a house, etc. If yes, then don't rush to buy what you desire as soon as payday arrives, Jagoans. First, set aside money for all your financial goals. Achieving financial goals is easier with Moneyfesting. Find out more about Moneyfesting in this article.
Use the Jago Application for Easy and Practical Salary and Financial Management, Just the Way You Want
It's nice to live in today's era when managing finances can be super easy and practical. With the Jago application, you no longer need to manually list down the bills that need to be paid and daily needs that must be fulfilled. Not to mention if you have to manually allocate the budget and then monitor whether your expenses are within the budget, one by one.
The Jago application can help you separate many needs through the Saving Pocket and Spending Pocket features. Create a pocket and allocate the budget, it's that easy. And, you can monitor expenses at any time, very practical.

Well, back to buying what you desire. If after you allocate money to pay monthly bills, meet daily needs and grow your savings, then the remaining money is not enough to buy your dream item, what do you do?
You save, Jagoans. After a few months, you will have enough money to buy your dream item. The important thing is that all monthly bills have been paid, you have money to meet daily needs and you also have savings. All of these can keep you from financial stress.