- Promo Period: 1 January - 31 December 2025
- 15% discount for purchasing Joomba with a minimum purchase of Rp60,000 using QRIS Jago
- Maximum discount is Rp30,000
- Valid for all menus available on Joomba
- Promo does not apply to customers who make purchases via online food delivery.
- Promo valid for all Jago Users
- Should you have any problem or complaint, please contact Jago Customer Care by providing the physical transaction receipt.
- Promo Period: 1 January - 31 December 2025
- 15% discount for purchasing Joomba with a minimum purchase of Rp60,000 using QRIS Jago
- Maximum discount is Rp30,000
- Valid for all menus available on Joomba
- Promo does not apply to customers who make purchases via online food delivery.
- Promo valid for all Jago Users
- Should you have any problem or complaint, please contact Jago Customer Care by providing the physical transaction receipt.
- Promo can not be combined with other promotions.
- The prize tax is borne by Jago.
- This promotion is free of charge.
- Jago has the right to change the Terms & Conditions of this program if deemed necessary by providing information through Jago's website, application and social media accounts.
- Decisions, conditions, or changes to conditions made by Jago cannot be contested.
- Jago has the right to cancel a promotional prize if there is any indication of fraud or violation of the terms and conditions of the promotion.
- Jago and the customer agree to mutually released and freed the other party from all claims, demands, losses, costs that may arise in connection with this program if occurs due to the negligence of each party
- These terms and conditions have been made following the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations, including the regulations of the Financial Services Authority (OJK)
- Should you have any questions, please contact us via the official Jago Customer Care contact numbers at 1500746 or (021) 3000 0746, email us at [email protected], and also our social media channels (Instagram and Twitter) at @tanyajago