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GoPay Pockets
Linking GoPay as Jago Pocket
You can link your GoPay as Jago Pocket with the following steps:
1. In your Pockets tab, choose GoPay Pocket and tap Next
2. Fill in your phone number that is registered to your GoPay
3. Tap Check to find your GoPay account
4. After your GoPay account has been detected, tap Link
5. Fill in your Jago password and tap Next
6. Fill in the OTP that's been sent to your number, then tap Next
7. Congrats, your GoPay has been linked as Jago Pocket!
I have linked my GoPay to Jago, why am I asked to re-link my account?
If you have changed your GoPay PIN after linking it to Jago, you will be asked to re-link your GoPay account to ensure Jago can show your latest balance.
Use Jago
Managing your GoPay Pocket
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Questions about GoPay Pocket
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Contact Tanya Jago