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Jago Amal
Organisasi Badan Amil di Jago Amal
Organization of Amil in Jago Amal
Amil Zakat Organizations:
Dompet Dhuafa
Rumah Zakat
What is Bukti Setor Zakat?
According to Government Regulation (PP) No. 60 Year 2010, zakat or donation can be deducted from gross income. So as a person who pays zakat, you can and have the right to request Bukti Setor Zakat (Proof of Zakat Deposit). You can include Bukti Setor Zakat later when you report your tax for Taxable Income Deduction (PTKP).
How to Request Bukti Setor Zakat (Proof of Zakat Deposit)?
You can request Bukti Setor Zakat to each organization that you have chosen by contacting:
BAZNAS, you can contact phone number 081111555777 or email [email protected]
Rumah Zakat, you can contact WhatsApp number 0815 7300 1555 or email via [email protected]
Dompet Dhuafa, you can contact 08111544488 or email via [email protected]
How long do I have to wait & get Bukti Setor Zakat after paying?
After contacting each selected organization, you can get Bukti Setor Zakat in approximately 14 working days or longer, depending on each organization.
Organizations for Sadaqah:
Dompet Dhuafa
Rumah Zakat
When will my money be received/distributed to the chosen organization?
Relax, your money will be directly sent to the chosen organization.
The Rights of Amil Organizations
In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, Amil organization is entitled to receive a maximum of 12.5% of the total zakat collected in a year. For sadaqah and other religious social funds, the use of funds by Amil organization for operational purposes is a maximum of 20% of the total funds collected, according to existing regulations.*
*referring to Law 23 2011 on Zakat Management, Chapter I article I no. 11 and Minister of Religious Affairs Decree No.733 2018 Chapter III No. 2 point K & L
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About Jago Amal
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Pay Zakat on Jago Amal
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Sadaqah on Jago Amal
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