Temukan cerita dibalik logo Jago dan Panduan Penggunaan Aset kami di sini.

Asset Media

Asset Media

Combination Mark

The combination mark is the full brand name incorporating the Jago typography/lettermark and the Jago mark. The type is a customized version of ‘Cera Rounded Pro’. A clean and modern typeface.

The customised tail of the a gives the logotype its originality and its friendly character.

Combination Mark Usage

Clear Space

Jago Media Assets

Medium Size

Jago Media Assets

The Jago Mark

The Jago mark represents multiple elements. The circles represent community, the J shape stands for Jago and also represents a growing sprout.

Jago Media Assets


The back-story to the logo has three components:

Jago Media Assets

Combination Mark

The combination mark is the full brand name incorporating the Jago typography/lettermark and the Jago mark. The type is a customized version of ‘Cera Rounded Pro’. A clean and modern typeface.

The customised tail of the a gives the logotype its originality and its friendly character.

Combination Mark Usage

Clear Space

Jago Media Assets

Medium Size

Jago Media Assets

The Jago Mark

The Jago mark represents multiple elements. The circles represent community, the J shape stands for Jago and also represents a growing sprout.

Jago Media Assets


The back-story to the logo has three components:

Jago Media Assets

Saatnya Atur Uang #SesuaiMaumu

Buat hingga 60 Kantong Jago (rekening) tanpa admin bulanan untuk mulai menabung, bertransaksi dan mengatur pengeluaran.

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Download Jago : download on app store download on google play

Ambil smartphone-mu, scan kode QR di bawah untuk download dan registrasi Jago dari mana saja dan kapan saja.

Saatnya Atur Uang Sesuai Maumu