Efforts to seek sustenance can be made at any time. While living life in this world, let us always make efforts to seek sustenance that is blessed by Allah SWT, as written in Surah An-Nisa' (4:29) which reads as follows:
“O believers! Do not devour one another's wealth illegally, but rather trade by mutual consent."
Likewise, efforts to seek blessings in the afterlife, hopefully we will always strive to do so. Insya Allah, we can obtain the blessings of sustenance in this world and the hereafter by following the example of the story of Utsman bin Affan, a friend of Rasulullah SAW.
Exemplary from Uthman bin Affan's Story to Get Blessings in the World and the Hereafter
1. Utsman bin Affan became very rich from trading
Becoming rich by trading was exemplified by the friend of Rasulullah SAW and the third Caliph Utsman bin Affan RA. As seen on the Radio Republik Indonesia website, Utsman bin Affan was involved in many business fields during his lifetime. The accommodation business, trading livestock and selling cloth are examples.
2. Utsman bin Affan did not forget to do good deeds
An inspiring example from Utsman bin Affan is his generous nature. Amal Jariyah with his wealth which is now an account in his name and is managed and invested by the Saudi Arabian government in a five-star hotel business called the Utsman bin Affan Hotel.
The profits obtained from running the hotel business, which came from Utsman bin Affan's assets, continue to be a charity because the proceeds are given to the poor and people who are experiencing difficulties and need help.
Managing Finances According to Sharia and Giving Sadaqah with Jago Syariah
So you are clear about budget allocation and its use, managing finances well is very necessary. Especially if you own and run a business, it is important to separate business and personal finances so they don't mix.
1. Use the Jago Syariah Pocket to be better at managing business and personal finances according to sharia
Why can the Jago Syariah Pocket feature in the Jago application help you manage your business and personal finances more easily and conveniently? Because you can create lots of Pocktes for lots of needs.
The Jago Syariah Pockets comprise the Saving Pockets and Spending Pockets. Choose the type of Pockets according to your needs. Each Pocket created has a Pocket number, which is the account number.
You can create up to dozens of Pockets to manage various needs to ensure budgets don't mix up. For those who run a business, the Jago Syariah Pocket feature will certainly be helpful. All Pockets can be seen in the Jago application, under one main account, namely your Jago Syariah account.
The Jago Syariah Saving and Spending Pockets use Wadiah Yad Dhamanah akad without interest. As such, you can enjoy managing your business and personal finances at Jago Syariah because it is in accordance with sharia.
Another interesting article for you: Jago Syariah also has the Sharia Deposit feature that uses Mudharabah Muthlaqah akad and offers profit sharing.
2. It's easy and practical to give sadaqah through the Jago Amal feature in the Jago application
Following Uthman bin Affan's example, you can set aside some of your wealth to give as sadaqah. Apart from being able to ease the burden and suffering of others in need, giving sadaqah is a good form of investment for the afterlife and can atone for sins while living life in this world.
The ease, convenience and practicality of giving sadaqah can be enjoyed when you use the Jago Amal feature in the Jago application. Share kindness according to sharia by choosing the type of sadaqah and organization you want at Jago Amal.
Apart from giving sadaqah yourself, through Jago Amal you can also help pay entrusted sadaqah with Sadaqah on Behalf of.
Insya Allah, by giving sadaqah regularly, many forms of kindness will be distributed to orphans, children who want to go to school and have a bright future, as well as those who are victims of natural disasters.
May we always work hard to achieve wealth in the world. And Insya Allah, by doing good deeds we can strive to be successful in the world and achieve blessings in the afterlife.