There are many ways to earn extra money. By saving money at Bank Jago, you can set the time of your choice, be it a date or a month, and earn interest as extra income.
Want to Have Extra Money on the Date You Want? Save Money in Bank Jago’s Locked Pocket
If saving can be a fun experience, you will be more excited about doing it. At Bank Jago, you can choose the date you want to earn interest from your savings as additional income, by saving money in a Locked Pocket.
What is the Locked Pocket in the Jago application?
As the name suggests, the Locked Pocket is a Pocket that will lock your savings according to the period you choose. The Locked Pockets are different from the Saving Pockets that allow you to withdraw money at any time. However, by saving money in a Locked Pocket, you can get greater interest than in a Saving Pocket.
How do you get the interest in the Locked Pocket to be disbursed on the date you want?
It’s super easy. You can click on the Saving Pocket that you want to lock. After selecting the option to lock the Pocket, an unlock date option will appear. You can choose the desired date yourself (Custom option), as long as the date is not less than 14 days from when you locked your Pocket. Later, on the date you choose, the interest and principal funds you save will be disbursed at the same time.
Top up your Locked Pocket at any time to earn even more money from interest
The awesome thing about saving in a Locked Pocket, you can add money at any time during the locking period. The amount of interest you will earn when the Locked Pocket is opened will automatically adjust.
Multiple Locked Pockets can be created and opened on different dates
Saving at Bank Jago is flexible because you can create more than one Locked Pocket. If you have five different financial goals, you can set up savings in five Locked Pockets so that funds don't mix. You are free to set a date to open each Locked Pocket. A Locked Pocket that has been opened will change back to a Saving Pocket.
How to Save Money in Bank Jago’s Term Deposit and Earn Interest as Extra Income in the Month You Want
Apart from the Locked Pocket, you can also choose to save or invest money in a Term Deposit and choose the desired maturity period according to your needs.
Choose a Term Deposit period between one, three, six, and 12 months
By saving money in a Term Deposit, you can get additional income in the form of interest every month, every three months, every six months, or every 12 months.
Choose the savings period in the deposit that is most suitable for you. If you save in March and want to get additional income in June, you can choose a three-month saving period.
In other words, saving in a Term Deposit is different from saving in a Locked Pocket where you can save for example for 17 days, 20 days, or 38 days only.
Interest and principal funds of your Term Deposits will be disbursed to the Main Pocket
Unlike a Locked Pocket that will become a Saving Pocket once the lock is opened, the interest and principal funds from the mature Term Deposits will be disbursed to the Main Pocket. Deposits that have matured and have been disbursed will be closed automatically.
Check the latest Term Deposit interest rates on this page.
Can open more than one Term Deposit
Just the way you want, you can open more than one Term Deposit if needed, just like a Locked Pocket. However, you cannot top up money to the Term Deposits that have already been created.
Create Locked Pockets and Open Term Deposits Directly from the Jago Application to Earn Extra Money: Fast, Easy and Practical
Do you want to have extra income from saving money in a Locked Pocket, a Term Deposit, or both? Whatever your choice, one certain thing is the ease of creating Locked Pockets and opening Term Deposits.
No need to take time out of your busy schedule to stop by a Bank Jago branch and take a queue just to save money in a Locked Pocket or open a Term Deposit.
Go to the Jago application and open a Locked Pocket or Deposit Pocket right away.