In running a business, idle funds is one term that is often encountered. Rather than being left to sit in an account, idle funds can be managed to earn profits. This can be done by investing according to sharia.
What are Idle Funds?
In short, idle funds refer to funds that a person has in savings, but these funds will not be used in the near future or the purpose of their use has not been decided.
Idle funds are funds that are simply idle and sitting in a savings account. Anyone can have idle funds, including those who run sharia businesses or enterprises.
Sharia Business Financial Management: Tips for Maximizing Idle Funds to Get Profits
Every entrepreneur certainly wants to make a profit from the business they run. One way that can be done is to manage idle funds optimally. If the funds you have are idle in the savings, they will not grow. It would be good if the idle funds you have could be managed optimally and give profits.
1. Decide the idle funds investment goals you want to achieve
The idle funds of your business must be used for clear goals in the future. Therefore, you must make a plan and decide the goals you want to achieve.
Will the idle funds be used as capital to open a new branch? Or will they be used to hire more employees following the growth of your business? Maybe you want to build business emergency funds by using the idle funds?
2. Choose the best ways to manage your business’ idle funds
After knowing exactly what goals you want to achieve, you can choose the ways that you think are best so you can manage your idle funds and earn profits. One way is to invest the idle funds.
There are a variety of investment instruments out there and they are available for both short and long terms. Another important factor to consider is the amount of idle funds on hand and your risk profile. Does the investment instrument chosen suit your risk profile?
Examples of sharia investments with minimum risk are sharia deposits and sharia mutual funds. Meanwhile, stock investment is generally considered a high risk high return investment, where the returns obtained are higher but accompanied by higher risks.
How to Manage Idle Funds by Investing in Sharia Deposits
To obtain profits in the form of profit sharing, you can save your company's idle funds in the form of investment in sharia deposits. In accordance with Mudharabah Muthlaqah akad, the Sharia Deposit from Jago Syariah offers competitive profit sharing.
1. Open a Sharia Deposit via the Jago application
Opening a Sharia Deposit to start investing and getting profit sharing can be done easily and practically without having to stop by a bank branch. If you already have a Jago Syariah account, you can directly create a Sharia Deposit from the Jago application, from anywhere and at any time.
You can have many Sharia Deposits at the same time. So, there's no need to worry if after saving your idle funds in a deposit, you want to open another deposit for other financial goals, which may not be related to your business.
2. Renewing your Sharia Deposits automatically can be considered the best option
Depending on the investment goals you want to achieve, you can automatically extend your deposits. If according to the plan the new investment goal will be realized in the next few years, you can extend the principal funds and profit sharing automatically to the next period.
3. Close or withdraw your Sharia Deposits practically, directly via the Jago application
When the time comes for your sharia deposit to mature, you can log in to the Jago application and see the principal funds and profit sharing that have been transferred to your Jago Syariah Main Pocket, and your deposit will be closed automatically. In other words, you don't need to bother with administration or deliberately stop by Bank Jago to close your mature sharia deposits.
If the goal of investing idle funds in a sharia deposit is as emergency fund savings, you can also withdraw it easily via the Jago application. Withdraw sharia deposits whenever needed without having to pay penalties or early withdrawal fees.
How to calculate the Sharia Deposit profit sharing
You must be wondering how much profit sharing you can get if you invest idle funds in a Jago Syariah Sharia Deposit? Find the profit sharing calculation for the Sharia Deposit with Mudharabah Muthlaqah akad here.
Idle Funds Can Also Be Invested in Mutual Funds and Sharia Stocks with Jago Syariah, Bibit and Stockbit
Other investment options that can be considered are with the Jago Syariah ecosystem. If you already have a Jago Syariah account, you can conveniently invest your idle funds in the form of mutual funds and sharia stocks with Bibit and Stockbit.
1. Invest in sharia mutual funds without switching applications
If you already have a Bibit account but have not linked it to your Jago Syariah account, you can link the two now to start enjoying various sharia-compliant investment benefits.
Buy sharia mutual funds on Bibit with Jago Syariah as a payment method without having to pay any top-up fees at all. Then, monitor your Bibit investment portfolio via the Bibit Pocket that appears in the Jago application.
Apart from sharia mutual funds, now you can access various sharia investment options such as FR bonds and stocks without additional costs through the Bibit application by upgrading to Bibit Plus using Jago Syariah RDN.
2. Easily invest in sharia stocks on Stockbit using Jago Syariah RDN
To get maximum profits from the idle funds you have, you can also try investing in sharia stocks. Enjoy the ease and convenience of stock transactions on the Stockbit application after opening Jago Syariah RDN, which can be completed in a matter of hours.
Prepare idle funds to be invested in the Jago Syariah Pocket, then transfer it directly to the Jago Syariah RDN via the Jago application. Topping up your RDN balance is faster and hassle-free without switching applications.
If you want to start investing idle funds of your sharia business, which investment option will you choose first? Whether you want to choose one first or go straight to all three, you can manage your idle funds according to sharia with Jago Syariah and the ecosystem.