Blog Post --- Last Updated on January 20, 2025

4 Ways to Prepare Savings to Support Your Child’s Talents, Interests and Hobbies

Cara Siapkan Dana Tabungan untuk Dukung Bakat, Minat dan Hobi Anak di Bank Jago 4 Ways to Prepare Savings to Support Your Child’s Talents, Interests and Hobbies

Supporting your child in doing what they like is a form of parental love. Therefore, apart from preparing funds for your child’s education, also prepare funds to support your children's talents, interests and hobbies. With Bank Jago and the ecosystem, you and your spouse can save and invest more easily, practically and conveniently.

How to Figure Out Your Child’s Talents, Interests and Hobbies

Knowing what talents, interests and hobbies your child has from the start is important so you can support them along the way.

There are several ways to find out a child's talents and interests. You can pay attention to your child's reaction when invited to do an activity. As a parent, you can also listen to your child's stories about what they like. Letting your child explore new things can help them show what they are interested in.

Tests to figure out your child's talents and interests

Apart from the approaches above, children can also be invited to take tests on their talents and interests. Of course, for the tests parents need to spend quite a bit of money. The price range for testing children's talents and interests can reach hundreds of thousands of rupiah for one test.

Tutoring, courses and activities to support your child's talents, interests and hobbies

After knowing what your child likes, you and your spouse as parents can support them to hone their potential and develop their talents. This can be done by registering them to take courses, lessons and activities that suit their talents, interests and hobbies. If your child seems to enjoy swimming, for example, you can take your child to swimming lessons. If your child has shown an interest in computers from a young age, you can encourage your child to take computer courses.

Whatever courses and lessons you choose with your children, they all cost money. And, the costs can be quite large because courses and tutoring are not just for the short term, but for the long term. For this, you can prepare and save the funds well in advance.

How to Prepare Savings or Investments with Bank Jago and the Ecosystem to Support Your Child’s Talents, Interests and Hobbies

Preparing savings for your child doesn't have to wait until later. As parents, you and your spouse can start saving even when your child is still a baby. There are four ways that you can try to start preparing funds so that your child can do what they like according to their talents, interests and hobbies.

1. Save together with your spouse using the Jago/Jago Syariah Shared Pocket

suami istri menabung di rekening bersama kantong bersama bank jago untuk dukung minat bakat anak

Managing finances and saving together for your child's future can be done easily and practically if you and your spouse both have Jago/Jago Syariah accounts.

Crate a Shared Pocket in the Jago application. Decide who will crate the Pocket, it can be the wife or husband. After that, the Pocket creator and owner can invite their spouse to join and start saving together.

With the Shared Pocket, husband and wife can save from the Jago application on their respective cellphones. And, moving money to the Shared Pocket is easy and fast to do. Just move money from another Pocket, which is the source of funds.

What's even more fun is that you and your spouse can have more than one Shared pocket. So, if there are several family financial goals, simply create several Shared Pockets.

Make sure to personalize the Shared Pocket so that the budget that has been allocated to support your child's talents, interests and hobbies goes into the right Pocket. For example, by changing the name of the Shared Pocket to "Swimming Lessons", "Computer Courses", or "Tutoring Fees".

2. Invest money in mutual funds with Jago/Jago Syariah and Bibit

So your child can continue to develop their talents, interests and hobbies, the funds provided by parents must be sufficient. You and your spouse can try to invest some of the money in mutual funds or sharia mutual funds to get returns.

With Jago/Jago Syariah and Bibit, you can enjoy the convenience of investing in mutual funds without top-up fees and without switching applications.

Apart from that, you can save funds regularly using the Jago Autodebit payment method in the Bibit application. Prepare a regular savings budget in your Jago Pocket, since funds will be automatically taken from here according to the frequency you choose.

3. Invest in stocks with Jago/Jago Syariah and Stockbit

Another investment option that you can use after having a Jago/Jago Syariah account is stock transactions on Stockbit. To be able to start buying and selling stocks, you need to create a Jago/Jago Syariah Customer Fund Account (RDN) first.

Enjoy the ease and speed of opening Jago/Jago Syariah RDN from the Stockbit application in just a matter of hours, from anywhere and at any time. After that, immediately top up your RDN Pocket in the Jago application to start trading stocks practically.

Learn the differences between Jago Syariah RDN and Jago RDN in this article.

4. Save money to prepare for your child's tutoring and course fees in a Jago Term Deposit/Sharia Deposit

Of course, you can also prepare funds for your child's talents, interests and hobbies by saving money in a deposit.

Parents who are conventional Jago users can save money, which will later be used to pay for tutoring and courses for their beloved children in Jago Term Deposits. Apart from getting competitive deposit interest, you can choose from various available deposit periods. For example, from as short as one month or wanting to save for one whole year.

buka tabungan deposito bank jago dari aplikasi untuk siapkan dana minat bakat anak

Meanwhile, parents who are Jago Syariah account owners can save funds in Sharia Deposits according to Mudharabah Muthlaqah akad and receive profit sharing. Just like the Jago Term Deposit, the Sharia Deposit offers various savings periods that you can choose according to your needs.

siapkan tabungan dukung minat bakat anak di deposito syariah jago akad mudharabah bagi hasil

What's more, the Jago Term Deposit and Sharia Deposit can both be opened more than one. So, when savings to support your child's talents, interests and hobbies have accumulated in a large enough amount, you can move the money to a new deposit.

How to Save and Withdraw Bank Jago Deposits/Jago Syariah Deposits

Saving money in a Jago Term Deposit/Sharia Deposit is just as easy and practical as when you want to withdraw it. How so? Because saving and withdrawing the Term Deposits/Sharia Deposits can both be done through the Jago application.

You can read how to open and withdraw Jago Term Deposits here. How to open and withdraw Sharia Deposits can be read here.

In other words, you don't need to take time out of your busy schedule as a parent and stop by a Bank Jago branch just to open, save and withdraw your deposit.

It is time to start preparing savings the way you want or according to sharia to support your child's talents, interests and hobbies, and continue to do so consistently and with discipline in the future.

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Time to Manage Your Money
the Way You Want

Create up to 60 Jago Pockets (bank accounts) without monthly admin fees to start saving, transacting, and managing expenses.

Open a Term Deposit in minutes directly from the app and get competitive interest. Withdraw your Deposit early (if needed) without penalties. Plus, there is a free quota for inter-bank transfers and e-Wallet top-ups up to 150x according to Account Level.

Download Jago : download on app store download on google play

Grab your smartphone, scan the QR code below to download and register Jago from anywhere and anytime.

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