Managing household finances is not an easy thing to do as you need to meet the needs of not only yourself but also all family members. Therefore, being great at managing household finances is very important. Alun Rahma, founder of, now enjoys the ease of managing household expenses as well as various other expenses.
Managing Household Finances with Pocket
There are several things that make it easier for Alun to manage household finances. One of the most important is openness with her husband. In preparing the household budget, Alun always involves and discusses it with her husband first.
"In my opinion and my husband, in terms of household finances it is very important to be open with each other so that there are no misunderstandings. And of course transparency is also a moment to be able to support each other so that the desired family financial goals can be achieved," Alun shared her experience.
To start managing household finances, Alun combines the total family income each month. After that, she allocates the income to a number of necessary expenses.
“I made several expense posts. There are posts for spending, as well as for savings and investment funds. I also divide shopping expenses into monthly and weekly expenses.”
Indeed, according to Alun it is easier for her to group shopping needs based on the durability period. Groceries such as meat and vegetables that are perishable are included in the weekly shopping list. Meanwhile, long-lasting groceries such as rice, laundry soap and tissues are included in the monthly shopping list.
In managing shopping money and various other expenses, Alun has found that using the Pockets feature in the Jago application very helpful. “It’s easier with the Jago Pocket. I no longer need to use paper envelopes to separate money.”
The last tip that is no less important is the matter of allocating a budget. “Managing household finances, especially how much to spend per week, cannot be generalized for every family, because again it depends on the needs and abilities of each family. Whatever budget we have for weekly shopping, spend it wisely. And, do the budgeting consistently to enjoy maximum results, "Alun concluded.
Jagoans, do you want to be like Alun, who now enjoys the easy and practical way of managing household finances? Together we can be as jago as Alun. Let’s create Pockets and start budgeting for household expenses and various other expenses. You can also follow some of Alun's tips for managing household expenses above.
Jago allows you to have multiple accounts in 1 application. With Jago, you can create up to 40 Pockets where each Pocket has its own account number. And, what makes it nice, you don't have to pay monthly admin fees even though you have many accounts for various needs. The Jago application can be downloaded here for those who don't have it yet.