Everyone can make their dreams come true, with a strong will and consistency in saving. Jago Syariah helps Yuli Rachmawaty save money.
Saving Money in the Pocket
Regarding the realization of dreams, Yuli believes that will is very powerful and it is the starting point.
“Now I'm 25 years old. The realization of a dream depends on the mindset of the individual. If someone has a strong will, they will automatically be motivated to realize their dreams," Yuli said when sharing her experience with Bank Jago Syariah.
Apart from strong will, Yuli needs a 'friend' who can help her on her journey to make her dreams come true. Yuli chose Jago Syariah, which has the Saving Pocket feature.
"The nice thing is that the Jago Syariah Pockets can be given an emoji or picture. So if I have savings that I won’t allow myself to dip into, I give the stop symbol. Meanwhile, for the money I can spend, I'll give the flying money emoji."
Regarding saving goals, one of the goals that Yuli wants to achieve is having her own house. “I really want to have a second hand house and renovate it. The cost is not cheap. So I really have to be determined to save extra. Because I don't know what the financial condition will be in the future, so everything should be prepared from now on."
Taking Advantage of the Jago Syariah Digital Ecosystem
Apart from saving in the Pockets, Yuli also allocates some of her money to Bibit in the form of mutual fund investments. “When we invest in mutual funds, the value of our money, even if it only increases a little, still goes up. The money is not reduced. And I usually invest in Bibit mutual funds for financial goals that will be achieved in the long term.”
Yuli has felt the ease of investing in mutual funds at Bibit since having a Jago Syariah account. "I am now free from the hassle of transferring the funds. Bibit can be linked to Jago Syariah so I can do it right away if I want to top up. And, you can save automatically using the Jago Autodebit feature. So every month, on the same date, money automatically moves from Jago Syariah to Bibit.”
Complete Features in Jago Syariah
Saving money in the Pocket and Bibit has been done consistently. However, there are many other Jago Syariah features that are no less important and are also used by Yuli to help her become better at managing finances.
One of them is the Spend Analysis feature. “The Spend Analysis feature really helps me to be able to easily find out which is more in a month, expenses or income. So there is evaluation material to help me decide how much to save for the following month.”
Yuli also enjoys using the Shared Pocket and Arisan Pocket to make managing money with friends more practical. “I tried to create them, it turned out that both the Shared Pocket and the Arisan Pocket are really easy to use and transparent. No need to ask about the Pocket balance because it is visible. Each member of the Pocket can see the balance and access transaction history.”
The concept of digital sharia financial management is also very useful for Yuli and makes everything easy.
"Checking mutations is really easy, all you have to do is view and download the e-Statement, no need to go to the bank. In the past, when I created my Jago Syariah account, you didn't have to stop by the bank. What is required for verification is only a video call and a photo of my ID card. That's why I chose Bank Jago Syariah. In other banks, there is no all-digital sharia yet. With Jago Syariah everything is possible, starting from e-Wallet top-ups to phone balance top-ups," Yuli concluded.
Jagoans, do you want to be able to start making your dreams come true by consistently saving and investing without the hassle like Yuli? Take advantage of the various features and the power of the Jago Syariah ecosystem.
Speaking of which, when it comes to saving money, Yuli has tips that every Jagoan might be able to do. “If you want to save money, you have to set a goal first. Don't forget to be realistic with your income. For each payday, a percentage of your income must go into savings and in my opinion, saving means you have to be determined so you don't stop halfway." Interested in trying Yuli's saving tips?
Jago Syariah can be downloaded here for those who don't have it yet.