Life becomes easier when you no longer need to separate money manually for each expense, when you no longer need to record all expenses and bill payment dates one by one. There is one way: managing money is easy and practical when done digitally.
Manage Money the Way You Want, But Digitally with Jago
1. Practically separate savings and expenses with the Pocket
Those of you who are used to planning and managing finances are certainly familiar with what is called budgeting. Budgeting can indeed be done manually. However, manually allocating money is a hassle.
Have multiple accounts to separate funds for various expenses? This means every month you have to transfer money to each account. Not to mention when you have to log into different accounts when you want to use the money. Not to mention when having to monitor the use of money in each account. In other words, the more accounts, the more work.
But, you can forget about all the hassle once you start using the Pocket. You can still manage money the way you want, only in an easier and more practical way because it's done digitally.
Jago allows you to have multiple accounts. Each Pocket created has its own account number. And, you can create up to 60 Pockets.
What's more, each Pocket can be personalized according to your needs. In this way, it will be easier when monitoring the use of money. All Pockets can be monitored in 1 application and allocating money is as easy as moving money between Pockets. No monthly admin fees, no matter how many Pockets you have and no transfer fees when moving money from one Pocket to another.
2. Automatically pay bills with the Plan Ahead feature
Paying bills is a part of life. Those of you who always plan your finances, of course, have set aside money every month to complete the payment of various kinds of bills. Never late or forget to pay because everything is completely planned. You probably mark the calendar, on what dates you need to pay the bills. Maybe you take notes in your agenda.
What if you no longer need to list down the bills that need to be paid every month and don't need to transfer manually to ensure all bill payments are completed?
With the Plan Ahead feature in Jago, you can plan bill payments digitally. At the specified time, the bill will be automatically paid on time. Without you doing everything manually, payments can be completed by themselves.
3. Automatically record and analyze expenses through the Spend Analysis feature
Recording and then analyzing expenses is very important, partly because it can help you plan your finances more easily in the future. You have been allocating money for future savings and investments. You can also easily put the brakes on expenses that are less important or unnecessary.
But, with a detailed report on your monthly expenses, you can look for loopholes where else you might be able to save more money to grow your emergency fund or use it later as capital to run a business.
By using Jago as the main means of transaction, whether it's transfers, shopping at supermarkets or topping up e-Wallet, you no longer need to record every expense. This is because any transaction through Jago will be recorded automatically in the application.
You can also categorize expenses to get a clearer idea of your spending when viewing the reports presented by the Spend Analysis feature in your Jago application. If you spend a lot of money for top-up admin fees or transfers to other banks, you can see the details in the Spend Analysis.
To reduce spending on admin fees for transfers to other banks, for example, you can become a Platinum Jagoan by saving more money at Jago so you can get free quota for interbank transfers and e-Wallet top-ups of up to 150 times per month.
You can also link your Jago account with your Gojek account so you don't need to top up GoPay anymore. Just make your Pocket(s) the main payment method when using Gojek services such as GoRide, GoCar and GoFood.
It's time to try to manage money digitally to be easier, more practical and hassle-free everyday.