Blog Post --- Last Updated on October 04, 2024

Meeting What Parents Need is Easier with Siblings: Use Jago Shared Pocket

atur keuangan dan menabung bareng saudara untuk penuhi kebutuhan orang tua mudah dan praktis di kantong bersama aplikasi jago Meeting What Parents Need is Easier with Siblings: Use Jago Shared Pocket

For those of you who have siblings, doing everything with them will feel easier and more fun, don't you think? Looking after, taking care of parents and meeting their needs will also be easier when you do them with your siblings. Managing finances together with them to buy various things your parents need can be done practically using the Shared Pocket in the Jago application.

Benefits of Using the Jago/Jago Syariah Shared Pocket to Manage Finances Together with Siblings to Meet Parents' Needs

There are many benefits you can enjoy by managing money using the Shared Pocket.

apapun kebutuhan orang tua bisa dipenuhi dengan baik pakai rekening bersama di kantong bersama bank jago

1. The Shared Pocket makes it easier to collaborate on saving and spending money from the Jago application on each of your cellphones

Pocket owner who creates a Shared Pocket can first invite members to join. If you want to be the owner, then you can create a Spending Pocket or Saving Pocket first.

Is it better to create a Saving Pocket or a Spending Pocket? Jagomin's suggestion, it is more practical to create a Spending Pocket. Because the Saving Pocket can only be used for saving, it cannot be used as a source of funds for spending.

Next, you can invite your siblings to become Pocket members. A Pocket with more than one member automatically change to a Shared Pocket.

After joining the Shared Pocket, each member will have it in their respective Jago application. In other words, each member can easily put money into this Shared Pocket from other Pockets that are the source of funds. So, everyone is free from the hassle of remembering account numbers when they want to save in the Shared Pocket.

Likewise when you want to use money in the Shared Pocket. For example, your sibling wants to buy something for your parents. If their role is ‘can spend’, then they can make transactions using the balance in the Shared Pocket, directly from the Jago application.

2. The Shared Pocket maintains transparency in the use of money

The owner and all members can both monitor transactions made in the Shared Pocket. The transactions in question are all types of transactions, namely incoming and outgoing transactions. So, transparency is always well maintained. Drama or conflict in managing money with siblings can be prevented and avoided.

3. The Shared Pocket can have many members, so invite all your siblings to manage money together

The total number of members who can join the Shared Pocket is 29 people. Together with the owner, it becomes 30 people.

How many siblings would you like to invite to start managing finances together to meet your parents' needs? Invite them all, there will definitely be enough in one Shared Pocket.

Also read: Differences Between Jago and Jago Syariah

The Shared Pocket Enables You to Manage Finances With Anyone You Want

Not only for collaborating financially with siblings, you can use the Shared Pocket with anyone and for whatever activities you want. You can have more than one Shared Pocket, with different members for each Pocket.

Apart from saving money for your parents' needs and managing expenses transparently with your siblings, you can use the Shared Pocket for chipping in with friends, saving money for a vacation with your spouse, managing family finances after marriage, and much more. Isn't it fun?

Make sure that everyone you want to invite to manage money together using the Shared Pocket is already a Jago/Jago Syariah user.

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Time to Manage Your Money
the Way You Want

Create up to 60 Jago Pockets (bank accounts) without monthly admin fees to start saving, transacting, and managing expenses.

Open a Term Deposit in minutes directly from the app and get competitive interest. Withdraw your Deposit early (if needed) without penalties. Plus, there is a free quota for inter-bank transfers and e-Wallet top-ups up to 150x according to Account Level.

Download Jago : download on app store download on google play

Grab your smartphone, scan the QR code below to download and register Jago from anywhere and anytime.

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