Want to start investing or transacting in the sharia capital market? Sharia stock investment can be an option if you want to diversify your assets and boost your portfolio. Now you can invest according to sharia more easily and practically if you already have a Jago Syariah Customer Fund Account (Rekening Dana Nasabah - RDN).
Benefits of Using Jago Syariah RDN for Stock Investment
Many benefits await those of you who use RDN Jago Syariah as your main source of funds when making transactions on the capital market.
1. Specifically for sharia investment instrument transactions, in accordance with the DSN MUI fatwa
With Jago Syariah, you can have peace of mind when investing in stock. Because, Jago Syariah RDN is specifically designed for those of you who choose sharia investment instruments. Managing assets is more blissful according to sharia.
2. Top up Jago Syariah RDN directly from the Jago app
Looking for a hassle-free way to invest? You have Jago Syariah RDN. After the process of opening your Jago Syariah RDN is complete, a Pocket will appear in your Jago application. The type of the Pocket is the Investment Pocket, not the Saving Pocket or Spending Pocket. So the Investment Pocket cannot be closed or deleted via the Jago application.
You can then start moving money from Jago Syariah Pocket to Jago Syariah RDN. The process is just as easy and fast as moving money between Pockets. And, you don't need to input the account number. There are also no opening fees, closing fees or monthly administration fees. When else can you invest in stocks but reduce expenses at the same time?
3. Jago Syariah RDN uses Wadiah akad in accordance with sharia
According to sharia principles, Jago Syariah RDN uses Wadiah Yad Dhamanah akad, like the akad used in the Saving Pocket and Spending Pocket.
With Wadiah Yad Dhamanah akad, you as a Jago Syariah customer can save and withdraw your money from the bank in full. With Wadiah Yad Dhamanah akad, you will also not receive interest on the money deposited at Jago Syariah RDN.
Open Jago Syariah RDN Quickly, in a Matter of Hours
Interested in opening Jago Syariah RDN? No need to be confused about how to open it. Log in to the Stockbit application and open Jago Syariah RDN from anywhere and anytime. As long as you have a stable internet connection, opening Jago Syariah RDN is easy. Wait for your RDN to be ready in a matter of hours and you can immediately start making transactions on the sharia capital market.