Asset diversification can make your portfolio better. Is this one of the financial plans you want to do next? Together with Jago and the digital ecosystem, you can save money with competitive interest in a Term Deposit, and start investing in mutual funds with Bibit and stocks with Stockbit. Choose the one that best suits your needs.
Upgrade Your Savings to a Jago Deposit to Get Competitive Interest
By saving in a Jago Term Deposit, you can get higher interest than regular savings. Apart from that, you can also protect your money from being used for other purposes when saving in a deposit. For example, savings for traveling can be used for shopping. However, with savings put into a deposit, it becomes safer. Wait for the deposit to mature, then use it according to its purpose.
Open a Term Deposit directly from the Jago application. Opening a Deposit is as easy as creating a Savings Pocket and a Spending Pocket, by following the instructions. Choose monthly interest payments or later all at once when the deposit matures. You can also choose to auto-renew the principal funds and deposit interest (ARO).

Start Investing in Mutual Funds in Bibit: Practical and Easy from the Jago Application
The Jago and Bibit collaboration makes it easier for anyone who wants to diversify their assets in the form of investment.
1. Investing in mutual funds in Bibit is easy and free of admin fees from the Jago application
Link your Jago account and Bibit account to make mutual fund investments faster and without top up fees. Apart from that, you can also top up your Bibit mutual funds up to Rp1 billion.
2. Consistent mutual fund investment in Bibit through Jago
So that your investment portfolio gets better over time, you can do it regularly. Without any hassle and very easy, choose the Jago Autodebit payment method in the Bibit application to save regularly in the form of mutual funds. Just the way you want, you can set the investment frequency, whether daily, weekly or monthly.
3. How much cuan do you get from your mutual fund investment with Bibit? Monitor directly from the Jago application
Another convenience that you can enjoy after your Jago account and Bibit account are linked is being able to monitor mutual fund investment performance directly from the Jago application. In other words, you don't need to log into the Bibit application to see how much profit you get from your investment.

All your investment portfolios will appear in the Jago application and can be seen in the form of Bibit Pocket. To make a transaction, you still have to complete it via the Bibit application.
Want to Try Investing in Stocks? Top up RDN Jago Directly from Your Jago Pocket
Apart from Bibit, Jago also collaborates with Stockbit and creates a digital ecosystem for those of you who want to boost your portfolio through stock investment.
With Jago RDN that can be created in a matter of hours, you don't have to wait long to start investing in stocks.
How do you open Jago RDN? Log in to the Stockbit application and open Jago RDN right away. No need to think about where you are currently and what time it is because Jago RDN can be created from anywhere and at any time. Not only that, you can also top up RDN Jago directly from the Jago application. So it's faster, practical and easier.