Press Release Jakarta, Indonesia - May 25, 2023

Bank Jago Holds Annual General Shareholders Meeting

Jakarta, May 25, 2023 – Publicly listed Bank Jago holds Annual General Shareholders Meeting (RUPST) for the fiscal year of 2022. At the meeting, shareholders agreed on the company’s annual report for 2022, and reinstatement of the board of directors and commissioners for the 2023-2026 period.

The management of Bank Jago conveyed the bank’s 2022 financial result at the meeting. Throughout 2022, Bank Jago disbursed loans and sharia financing worth Rp 9.43 trillion, growing 76% from Rp 5.37 trillion seen in 2021. In line with healthy and sustainable growth, Bank Jago booked profit before tax worth Rp 20 billion, increasing from Rp 9 billion recorded in the previous year.

The meeting also approved the change of board of directors and commissioners, showing the bank’s sustainable steps going forward. The meeting also approved the appointment of Arief Harris Tandjung as President Director for the 2023-2026 period, effective immediately after approval from the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Arief took the position previously held by Kharim Indra Gupta Siregar.

Below is the board of directors of Bank Jago approved at the meeting:

President Director: Arief Harris Tandjung

Director of Compliance: Tjit Siat Fun

Director: Peter van Nieuwenhuizen

Director: Sonny Christian Joseph

Director: Umakanth Rama Pai

Arief has been building his career in the banking industry for over 25 years. Previously, he was the Vice President Director of Bank Jago, appointed at the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting (RUPSLB) on November 15, 2019 and approved by the OJK based on OJK’s Letter Number KEP-60/PB.1/2020 on March 18, 2020.

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