Jagoans, do you and your partner already have financial goals to achieve together? According to Annisa Steviani, a certified financial planner, there are 2 main financial goals that every couple must have.
Every Couple Must Have These Financial Goals
The first financial goal is to have an emergency fund and the second is to have a retirement fund.
"Life doesn't always run smoothly, sometimes there are unexpected events that need immediate actions and the costs are not small. Try to have an emergency fund of at least 3 times your salary," said Annisa.
As for retirement funds, Annisa suggests starting as soon as possible, preferably from the moment you start earning money. The time you have to save for a retirement fund is still long if you start early. This is because you need to save quite a lot of money for retirement.
"If you wait, for example, until you reach 40, you may not have enough when it's time to retire, especially if after retirement you have goals you want to achieve, for example having a farm, owning a business, or having a rented house as passive income to support you when you retire," continued Annisa.
If there is still money, the next financial goal that can be realized is saving for children's education. According to Annisa, the most important thing is the university tuition fees because from elementary to high school children can attend state schools as the fees are borne by the government.
Save Money Together in a Joint Account through Jago Shared Pocket
In order to achieve financial goals with your partner, financial collaboration is needed. For this, Annisa uses Jago Shared Pocket to collaborate easily and practically.
The Shared Pocket is used by Annisa to save with her husband and other family members for various financial purposes. In addition to emergency funds, pension funds and children's education funds, Annisa also uses the Shared Pocket to build health funds as well as vacation funds.
The Shared Pocket that isused for saving can be set with a saving target. Couples can also monitor the progress of saving at any time.
In addition to achieving financial goals with your partner, the Shared Pocket is also ideal for spending needs.
The sooner you start taking steps to manage your finances, the results will of course be better.