Do you have friends who want to be able to manage their finances well but are having difficulty budgeting or haven't budgeted yet? Or is there a friend whose money often runs out because they keep spending it so often they don't know where their money actually goes to? Time to share kindness by helping friends who still have difficulty managing money.
Jago, a Financial Management Application That Makes It Easy to Have Multiple Bank Accounts and Do Budgeting
What can you do after having a Jago Syariah account and how can you help your friends manage their finances using the Jago application?
1. With Jago Syariah you can have multiple Wadiah and Mudharabah bank accounts for easy budgeting and managing your needs
Budgeting for each expense will become much easier with multiple accounts. Introduce the Jago application to friends and the Jago Syariah Pocket feature for managing finances.
Many Jago Syariah Pockets can be created in the form of Saving Pockets and Spending Pockets (using Wadiah akad with 0% interest) as well as Sharia Deposit Pockets (using Mudharabah Muthlaqah akad with competitive profit sharing) to manage personal finances.
Tell your friends how easy it is to create individual Pockets for transportation, monthly bills, daily and monthly shopping, entertainment, savings and much more. Create Pockets in the number according to the needs that must be met.
Then, encourage your friends to move the budget to each Pocket manually first so they get used to it. Remind friends to use the right Pocket when spending money. For example, when shopping, remind them to use the money in their Shopping Pocket, not the other Pockets.
2. With Jago Syariah you can manage finances with friends who have difficulty controlling spending using the Shared Pocket
You don't need to manage your finances alone. So that your friends are more enthusiastic about budgeting, you can invite them to join your Shared Pocket. Create a Spending Pocket first and then invite them to the Pocket.
After joining, your friends and you can start managing money together. Set the daily transaction limit for the Shared Pocket so that spending is well controlled. This way, you and your friends can remind each other to use money wisely. Moreover, you and your friends can see the Pocket’s transaction history. So, transparency is maintained.
3. With Jago Syariah you can save money with friends using the Shared Pocket so they can achieve their financial goals
Not only do you manage spending together, you and your friends can also use the Shared Pocket to achieve financial goals together.
To save together, the Pocket created is the Saving Pocket. The way to do it is the same, invite friends to join the SavingsPocket and the Pocket automatically changes to a Shared Pocket. Set a savings target and be disciplined in saving so that your financial goals are achieved on time.
There are many financial goals that you can achieve with friends. For example, going on holiday together and pursuing a Master’s Degree together. It's definitely more fun if you can make your dreams come true with your closest friends.
4. With Jago Syariah you can set or allocate budget automatically for better financial management
After getting used to budgeting, if friends want to switch from manual to automatic, they can start using the Auto-Budgeting feature in each Pocket.
With Auto-Budgeting, moving the budget from the source Pocket to the destination Pocket can run automatically. Of course, after your friends set the schedule and nominal the way they want.
So, how many friends do you know who are having difficulty budgeting their finances? You can invite all of them to register a Jago Syariah account and immediately start using the Jago application to manage their finances easily and with greater blissfulness because it complies with sharia.