Are you part of the millennial generation that doesn't have a family yet? It doesn't matter, even though you are still single, you can still live your life with ease and get the blessings of life. So that when you get married and have a family, you can continue building a sakinah family. The important thing is to know how to do it, which will be discussed below.
How to Live with Ease and Get Life's Blessings for Single Millennials
There are many ways to gain peace in life and live a life full of blessings. From a financial perspective, what ways can be implemented as soon as possible?
1. Live a frugal lifestyle: key to a blessed and peaceful life
One of the perks of living a single life is that you don't have expenses such as children's education costs and meeting other nuclear family needs. However, this does not mean that the wealth or assets owned can be wasted just like that. Islamic religious teachings prohibit wasteful actions.
To find out more about the Islamic view or perspective on wastefulness, you can listen to Ustadz Hanan Attaki's explanation and at the same time read the article about how to overcome bad spending habits in this article.
By living a simple and moderate lifestyle, you can have more savings to achieve your financial goals and avoid financial stress and anxiety. Moreover, savings that is important to have before starting to save for financial goals is emergency fund savings.
Are you part of the millennial generation who is also the sandwich generation? Find out how to prepare funds for unexpected expenses that often come to the sandwich generation in this article.
2. Manage finances and have savings based on Islamic teachings
Saving, according to Islamic teachings, is something that is not only permitted but also recommended. Why? Because saving is a form of good deeds and is also mentioned in the verses of the Koran. Saving can help everyone to avoid consumerism and wasteful behavior (reference: Republika).
In accordance with sharia teachings, in financial management there are several aspects that need to be considered. The practice of giving interest is prohibited because interest is something haram. However, sharia principles allow the practice of sharing profits and risks.
Read more about living a halal lifestyle through managing finances in this article.
3. Give more donations in the form of ziswaf as a way to live a blessed and peaceful life
Don't forget about sharing kindness to those who need help. Ziswaf, which is an abbreviation of zakat, infaq, sadaqah and waqf, can be allocated a budget when managing monthly finances. Because from a sharia perspective, elements of charity such as giving alms and zakat can bring their own blessings in life. (reference: Republika).
Jago Syariah: Digital Sharia Bank with Wadiah and Mudharabah Principles and No Admin Fees
To help the millennial generation who are still single in Indonesia more easily live a halal lifestyle according to Islamic teachings to live a peaceful and blessed life, Jago Syariah presents various financial management features that can be accessed at any time and from anywhere via the Jago application.
1. Savings with Wadiah akad in the Jago Syariah Saving Pocket
Saving according to sharia principles becomes easier and more practical with Jago Syariah. You can have a lot of savings at the same time, especially if your financial goals are short term.
The Jago Syariah Saving Pocket uses Wadiah Yad Dhamanah akad. It is an interest-free akad, in accordance with sharia principles. So, by saving in a Saving Pocket, you will not earn interest. Life is peaceful and blessed because you obey religious teachings.
To have several short-term savings at once, you can create several Saving Pockets. Each Saving Pocket has its own account number and does not charge a monthly administration fee.
2. Savings with Mudharabah akad in the Sharia Deposit
Apart from saving in the Saving Pocket, you can also have long-term savings in the Sharia Deposit. Get blessings from the profit sharing of the Sharia Deposit, which uses Mudharabah Muthlaqah akad according to sharia principles.
You can also have several Sharia Deposits at the same time. Not only are there no admin fees, the Sharia Deposit is also free of penalty fees if it is withdrawn before the maturity date. Therefore, the Sharia Deposit is the right choice as a place to save emergency funds.
Living single doesn't mean you don't need emergency savings. Because, unexpected events can come at any time. If you already have emergency funds, insyaAllah, you can deal with and overcome emergencies right away and without panic.
Also read: Plus points of Wadiah and Mudharabah savings and their differences from conventional savings
3. Open many bank accounts with Wadiah akad to manage expenses using the Jago Syariah Spending Pocket
Single millennials also have many needs to fulfill, just like millennials who are married. Now, managing various needs is easier and more practical with the Jago Syariah Spending Pocket.
Manage your needs and budget for each need more jago with multiple accounts. Create Spending Pockets based on a number of your expenses. Separate the budget for sadaqah and zakat, paying monthly bills, daily, weekly or monthly shopping, etc. into their respective Spending Pockets. In this way, the budget for each need is safe and not mixed with each other.
The Jago Syariah Spending Pocket also uses Wadiah Yad Dhamanah akad, which is deposit in nature. Managing expenses with Jago Syariah becomes even more rewarding.
Ready to live with ease and achieve life's blessings? Apply the above, which is supported by 2 sharia akads when managing your personal finances.