Everyone certainly wants to become a better and more mature person. There are many ways to try. One of which is by being better at managing your finances. But why? What does being good at financial management have to do with becoming a better person? How do you easily and practically manage your money the way you want or according to sharia using the Jago application from Bank Jago? Everything is discussed in full in this article.
Why Being Better at Managing Your Money Can Help You Become a Better and More Mature Person
Here are the reasons.
1. The better you manage your budget, the better you are at self-control, the better you become as a person
Becoming a person who is good at managing money starts with first being good at managing budgets. It is best if a budget can be allocated for each need, starting with priority needs. Budgeting well and with discipline helps ensure the proper use of money. In other words, not all the money you have is just spent, especially just to live a consumptive lifestyle.
By being disciplined in using a preset budget for each need, you get used to and train yourself to self-control. Good self-control will make you a better person, and of course more mature.
Good self-control in financial matters will help you have good self-control in various other aspects of life.
2. The better you manage your money, the more worry-free and less stressed you are in living your life, the better you become as a person
When not all of the money is spent but some money is saved, and you save regularly, the savings will continue to increase over time. Emergency savings, retirement savings, and savings for various other financial goals, you have them all.
By having lots of savings and/or investments, your life will be much calmer and less stressful. When you experience something unexpected, you can dip into your emergency savings. Your daily needs are well covered and you can have fun in peace because you know you have enough savings, from budgeting that you do with discipline.
By being worry-free in living your life, you can become a person who is not only better but also more positive every day.
3. The better you manage your money, the better you spend for meaningful goals, the better you become as a person
Starting with proper budgeting, you can be more mindful about spending. The money you used to spend a lot on buying things you don't really need, for example, can be allocated to more meaningful goals in life.
You may want to allocate a larger budget for charity and donation, to help ease the burdens of others that are less fortunate.
Living a meaningful life will make you happier, and will make you a better person.
Easy and Practical Ways to Manage Finances Using the Jago Application from Bank Jago
To make managing finances easier and more practical and thus enjoyable, you need an application with various innovative features. Using the Jago application from Bank Jago, you can manage your finances the way you want or according to sharia.
1. Many Pockets (bank accounts) in the Jago application for many needs
Budgets for various needs will be easier to manage when you can separate and monitor them simultaneously. This way, funds for each need will not be mixed and it will be clear where they go when used.
Use the Pocket feature in the Jago application to make budgeting easier and manage your every need. You can create lots of Pockets, up to dozens of them. One Pocket for one need. If there are 20 needs, you can create 20 Pockets.
One Pocket equals one bank account. This means you can have up to dozens of Jago/Jago Syariah bank accounts under one main account, which are managed and monitored from one application, the Jago application.
2. You can budget automatically to Saving and Spending Pockets
To ensure consistent budgeting and the budget allocation for each need is exactly as previously set, you can choose to activate the automatic budgeting feature in the Jago application.
Savings in the Saving Pockets will automatically be filled according to the amount you have set at the time you have specified. Likewise for all other needs, both in the Saving and Spending Pockets.
With automatic budgeting, you no longer need to manually transfer money to each Pocket that has been created in the Jago application. It saves time and is hassle-free for sure!
3. Your spending is well controlled by setting transaction limits and using a budget from the right Spending Pocket when making payments
In the Jago application, you can also set daily limits for transactions with Jago Visa and GPN debit cards. When the specified limit is exceeded, the transaction will be automatically rejected and payment cannot be made.
Apart from that, you can also choose any of your Spending Pockets when making payments with a Jago debit card or QRIS. So, make sure to choose the right Pocket. For example, when buying daily necessities, don't choose the Transportation Pocket or another Pocket that doesn't have the daily necessities budget as a source of funds.
4. You can manage money with Wadiah and Mudharabah akad in the Jago application
Jagoans who want to manage money according to sharia for greater peace of mind can do so through the Jago application, by first registering for a Jago Syariah account.
You can budget in dozens of Pockets, save in the Saving Pockets and manage spending in the Spending Pockets using the interest-free Wadiah Yad Dhamanah akad. You can also save in Sharia Deposits with Mudharabah Muthlaqah akad to get profit sharing.
Whatever your choice and however you manage your finances, using the Jago application and its features makes it easier and more practical. Time to start using the ways above to be better at managing money, which helps you to be a better, more mature and positive person.