Many can’t wait for payday to arrive. Whether you want to buy something you’ve wanted for a long time, give a gift to your girl/boyfriend, enjoy a big meal with your nearest and dearest, or book an instagrammable staycation, everything is possible, as soon as you see your salary showing up in your bank account. Kaching!
But, before allocating a budget for all the fun stuff, it is important to fulfill your obligations first. Paying monthly bills, including electricity, water, telephone and internet (wifi/data), these are not things you can postpone.
Have you ever had a video call with your boss but then it froze? You thought the signal was poor, but it turned out that you forgot to pay the wifi bill. What about remembering that you had not paid your monthly bills in the middle of the month but you already spent a lot of money on other things? Hence, it’s better to pay at the beginning of the month.
If possible, let’s prolong that feeling of joy during payday!
See below to see how Jago can help out.
It’s Easy and Quick to Pay Monthly Electricity, Wifi/Data and Other Bills with Jago
It’s time for you to become a Jagoan by starting to use the Jago application.
1. Various bills can be paid using the “Plan Ahead” feature
Have you met the “Plan Ahead” feature?
2. Schedule the transactions
The feature allows you to enjoy the convenience of fulfilling your routine obligations every month, namely completing monthly bill payment transactions. You can immediately schedule monthly transactions as needed.
3. Pay bills automatically
The cool thing about using this "Plan Ahead" feature is that you can set an automatic bill payment schedule every month. Let Jago do the hard work of paying your bills. You just relax and have fun enjoying the results of your hard work.
But if you want to be more sure that Jago really pays your bills, you can arrange for Jago to always ask you first on the due date. Simply select "Ask Me Everytime", so Jago doesn’t pay right away. You can also enter the nominal manually. After receiving your confirmation, Jago will pay.
In addition to electricity and water bills, you can also automatically pay bills for cable TV, internet data, home installments and credit cards through the Jago application.
Also read: How is “Plan Ahead” Different from “Transfer & Pay”?
Secure Your Monthly Bill Payment Budget With the Jago Pocket
So that bill payments run smoothly at the appointed time, make sure the budget is always available. A practical way that you can do is create a separate Jago Pocket to pay monthly bills.
After that, you can automatically allocate a budget to the Pocket to pay monthly bills. You set the amount and time for allocating the budget yourself.
Easy and fast right? There will be no such thing as forgetting to pay monthly bills anymore.