Living in a boarding house comes with a lot of expenses. There are expenses for food, electricity, water, renting a room and many more. If you spend a lot of money, it's hard to even save money. However, there is always a way out. You can follow the 5 surefire ways to save money, which will be discussed soon.
5 Surefire Ways to Save Money for Those Living in a Boarding House
1. Share food cost with other residents
Food is an unavoidable need. When your stomach is hungry, you don't want to do anything. For someone living in a boarding house, paying for food alone feels quite heavy.
To make it lighter and save money, you can share the cost of food with other residents. For example, you can order catering. Or, you and the other residents can cook together.
You don't need to think about the difficulty of collecting money from the boarding house residents. With Shared Pocket in the Jago application, collecting money is easy and practical. Recording does not need to be done manually. You also don't need to collect money one by one.
2. Pay bills on time
As stated above, you may have many bills to pay when living in a boarding house. In addition to paying the rent and related bills such as electricity and water, you may have other bills related to personal needs, such as streaming service and credit card bills, for example.
Make sure you pay all bills on time, Jagoans. Not paying on time has consequences. For example, the service provider may suddenly cut the service provided to you. Not to mention if you have to pay a fine. When you pay a fine, you are not saving money.
So that you don't miss even a single bill payment, you can take advantage of the Plan Ahead and automatic transfer features in the Jago application. It feels so good when all the "debts" have been paid off.
3. Stop services or membership programs that you rarely or never use
Who among Jagoans used to be passionate about going to the gym every day but over time that enthusiasm faded? This is just one example.
Often, we are excited to do something and then over time we finally get bored and just completely forget about it. Instead of subscribing to a service or joining a membership program that you rarely or never use anymore, you can unsubscribe or stop it.
It's a shame if money is used for something that you yourself don't enjoy, right? Do you have many cases like this? You need to start keeping track of your expenses.
But, if you don't like the manual, you can use the Jago application to record all types of expenses. When a transaction occurs, Jago will help you record it. You just do the monitoring.
In addition, detailed tracking from Jago will also make it easier for you when conducting a spend analysis to find out where your money goes. For this, there is the Spend Analysis feature that you can use.
4. Set how much you can spend every day
Discipline is an important key if you want to save money. The trick is actually simple, you just need to determine the amount of money you can use every day. Whether you can stick with the budget depends on how much you want to save.
To hassle-free set a budget, you can use Pockets in the Jago application. There are 20 Spending Pockets and 20 Savings Pockets that you can create. The goal is so that you can separate many needs and don't get them mixed up. You can give each Pocket a name, as you wish. After created, you can set the budget for the Pocket.
5. Set aside money for savings
The last tip that is no less important is to get used to saving. Saving helps you spend less money. Money is no longer used for less important needs. In fact, by saving you are securing your future.
To make saving even more exciting, you can save money in a Locked Pocket to enjoy interest up to 4.75% p.a.*
Start applying the 5 above-mentioned surefire ways to save money.
*Interest rate can change at any time in accordance with BI interest rates & LPS policy