Boredom can come to anyone. When you're bored, what do you usually do, Jagoans? Do you often spend money because you're bored and don't know what to do? You actually want to save money, but you just keep spending money. Fret not Jagoans, there are things that you can do to stop it.
4 Ways to Stop Spending Money When Feeling Bored
1. Lock your savings or put your money in a deposit
When savings is left unlocked, you can be tempted to use it whenever you feel bored. But it's different when you lock your savings. You can't use your savings irresponsibly anymore.
How to lock savings? You can use the Locked Pocket feature in the Jago application. You are free to choose to lock your savings from as short as 14 days to a maximum of 6 months, with the option of auto-renewal once the lock opens.
You may also be interested in saving your money in a Jago Term Deposit, which offers higher interest than the Locked Pocket. Instead of using up your savings, you grow your savings.
2. Have a budget for spending when feeling bored
This way may sound strange to you. You don't want to spend money out of boredom. But why are you advised to have a budget for it?
Yes, if spending money out of boredom is one of your biggest weaknesses. If you immediately eliminate this habit, there is a possibility that you will not stand it and one day you will spend more as a 'revenge'.
Of course, the budget for spending when feeling bored shouldn’t be big, Jagoans. Alternatively, from month to month the budget can be made smaller. By doing this, later you will get used to not spending anymore when you are bored.
Another way to outsmart it is to move some of the budget for self indulgence (if any) or the budget for other fun/entertainment needs to the budget for spending when feeling bored. What is important and needs to be remembered is that the key to budgeting is the discipline to stick to it.
There is an easy and practical solution for separating various needs and budgeting for every need: Jago Pockets. You can create up to 40 Pockets, name each Pocket according to its function, and set the budget.
3. Set financial goals that make you excited to save through Moneyfesting
Do you already have financial goals that you want to achieve? Financial goals can be very effective in stopping unnecessary spending urges out of boredom. By having financial goals, you can actually be passionate about saving, not spending money.
Manifest some financial goals for the short term, and some for the long term. Want to be able to buy a car within 5 years? Want to live your retirement life comfortably? These are examples of financial goals that inspire and encourage you to save. Financial goals are easier to achieve when you practice Moneyfesting.
4. Learn new skills
To get rid of the spending urges when you're bored, you can start learning new skills. There are many online courses that you can take. Just choose the one that suits your interests.
Learning new skills can also be useful as a backup for the future. By having many skills, you can get additional income to strengthen your finances.
Ready to put the four ways mentioned above into practice? If you already have the Jago application, you can simply use the above-mentioned features to help you. Also, there are many other features that you can take advantage of to become jago at managing your finances, such as the Plan Ahead feature for automatic bill payments and automatic transfers.
If you don't have the Jago application yet, you can download it first and then create a Jago account.