Sharia Deposit

Save money according to the Mudharabah Muthlaqah akad to achieve financial goals

Create a Pocket for Sharia Deposit and get the distribution of up to16.21% ratio with a profit sharing equivalent to up to 5% p.a.

Using Mudharabah Muthlaqah akad

Sharia Deposit, according to sharia principles, uses the Mudharabah Muthlaqah akad. It is more amanah and you can save money worry-free.

Profit sharing ratio

Get a competitive profit sharing ratio* based on the percentage of profit sharing, the length of time the money is saved and the amount of money provided.

*The changes in the profit sharing ratio follow the market trend. Savings will not be covered by LPS if the accumulated savings amount (including interest) at one bank exceeds Rp2 billion.

Flexible saving terms

Options to save money between 1 to 24 months. Suitable for both short and long term financial goals.

No premature withdrawal fees

Withdraw deposit early without paying penalties. A flexible solution to address urgent needs.

Can be auto-renewed (ARO)

Choose to auto-renew principal balance and profit sharing. A practical and hassle-free savings solution for long-term financial goals.

See more how tos

Jago Application
Jago Application
Jago Application
Jago Application
Jago Application

See more how tos

Jago Application
Jago Application
Jago Application
Jago Application
Jago Application
Perhitungan bagi hasil dengan Akad Mudharabah Muthlaqah

Want to Know More About the Sharia Deposit Feature?


Time to Always Manage Your Money
According to Sharia

Create up to 60 Jago Syariah Pockets (bank accounts) with Wadiah and Mudharabah akad to start saving, transacting, and managing expenses.

Open a Sharia Deposit in minutes directly from the app and get competitive profit sharing. Withdraw your Deposit early (if needed) without penalties.

Download Jago : download on app store download on google play

Grab your smartphone, scan the QR code below to download and register Jago Syariah from anywhere and anytime.

Saatnya Atur Uang Selalu di Depan Sesuai Syariah