Jago Amal Transparansi
Jago Amal Transparency Report
Your zakat or sadaqah helps others a lot. Thank you for passing on your kindness to those in need.
Let's check the transparency report below to find out the distribution of your zakat or sadaqah.
Going forward, the transparency report will be updated every month.
- a total of Rp302,615,878 for zakat, and
- a total of Rp103,766,398 for sadaqah
- for zakat amounted to Rp302,615,878 and
- for sadaqah amounted Rp103,766,398.
- Economy: 69 recipients
- Education: 693 recipients
- Health: 1,039 recipients
- Humanitarian Environment: 93 recipients
- a total of Rp273,920,955 for zakat, and
- a total of Rp169,825,932 for sadaqah
- for zakat amounted to Rp239,680,836 and
- for sadaqah amounted to Rp148,597,690.
- Education: 181 recipients
- Humanitarian: Community Kitchen and Emergency Post for Manggarai Fire Survivors, 754 recipients
- Orphan: 310 recipients
- a total of Rp215,662,700 for zakat, and
- a total of Rp111,919,455 for sadaqah
The total number of recipients is 143.348, with details as follows:
- Social Program: 30.348 recipients
- Education: 9.906 recipients
- Health: 93.840 recipients
- Da'wah: 3.836 recipients
- Economy: 5.418 recipients
- a total of Rp215,662,700 for zakat, and
- a total of Rp111,919,455 for sadaqah
- for zakat amounted to Rp215,662,700 and
- for sadaqah amounted Rp111,919,455.
- Economy: 65 recipients
- Education: 244 recipients
- Health: 537 recipients
- Humanitarian Environment: 107 recipients
- a total of Rp182,600,347 for zakat, and
- a total of Rp171,569,545 for sadaqah
- for zakat amounted to Rp159,775,303 and
- for sadaqah amounted to Rp150,123,352.
- Economy: 14 recipients
- Education: school renovation at MIS Nurul Huda Kab. Indragiri Hilir
- Humanitarian: Community Kitchen and Warm Shelter for Gorontalo Flood Survivors, 697 recipients
- Orphan: 30 recipients
- a total of Rp194,205,520 for zakat, and
- a total of Rp97,185,020 for sadaqah
The total number of recipients is 80.613, with details as follows:
- Social Program: 17.277 recipients
- Education: 5.649 recipients
- Health: 49.261 recipients
- Da'wah: 4.733 recipients
- Economy: 3.693 recipients
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