Pay with QR

What is QRIS?

QRIS is Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard, a national QR code to facilitate QR payments that customers can use, which allows Merchant/Sellers to receive payment transactions from all money/electronic wallets registered with Bank Indonesia."

How to scan the QR

1. Go to the QR Payment menu on the Home page.
2. Scan the QR code.
3. Input the amount and choose Pay Now.

Tip: There might be additional fees at some merchants when you make a payment. You can also tip the merchants on the Review Transaction page.

How to pay using the QR image

1. Go to the QR Payment menu on the Home page.
2. Choose Upload and choose the QR image.
3. Input the amount and choose Pay Now.

Tip: There might be additional fees at some merchants when you make a payment. You can also tip the merchants on the Review Transaction page.

Where can I make transactions using QRIS?

You can make QRIS transactions at all merchants with a QRIS standard QR code, both static and dynamic QRIS.
- Statis QRIS can be found on stickers, banners, and other forms, where you need to enter your payment amount.
- Dynamic QRIS can be found on EDC machines that have implemented QRIS or POS that generates a unique QR code that already contains the payment amount.

What causes the QRIS transaction to fail?

- QR codes are not included in the QRIS standard.
- The merchant's QR code has expired.

Why does my QRIS transaction fail, but my balance is still deducted?

No need to worry. If this happens, please immediately dispute your transaction by following the steps in this link or contact Tanya Jago at 1500-746 or +622130000746


Require further assistance?

Contact Tanya Jago
Contact Ask Jago

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