Blog Post --- Last Updated on September 13, 2024

Kajian Jago Syariah: How to Manage Money in the Prophet's Way

ikuti cara Rasulullah mengatur keuangan dengan praktis pakai 60 kantong jago syariah Kajian Jago Syariah: How to Manage Money in the Prophets Way

Managing finances was already known during the time of the Prophet. In fact, prophets in ancient times also prepared emergency fund planning in simple form. As a Muslim, of course it is a good thing to imitate the way the Prophet Muhammad managed finances.

Life can also be more blissful and various life needs can be met well by managing money the way the Prophet did. Because living in this day and age, you can apply the practice of managing your finances using Jago Syariah.

What is It Like to Manage Finances in the Prophet's Way?

1. Separate needs

There are three simple categories used by the Prophet to divide his expenses, namely food, things worn such as clothes and sadaqah.

The words of Rasulullah SAW: "The servant said, 'My treasures.' Isn't there only three treasures: what he eats and it will disappear, what he wears and it will wear out, what he gives is actually the treasure he has collected. Wealth other than that will disappear and be given to the people he left behind." (HR. Muslim)

2. Prioritize saving in managing finances

Saving money is recommended in Islam. Saving is believed to be a form of practice that guarantees the achievement of goodness and avoids danger or loss. Apart from that, by saving we also ensure that we use our assets according to our needs.

Several hadiths and verses from the Quran recommend saving money. The words of Rasulullah SAW: "Allah will give mercy to his servant who seeks halal sustenance and gives charity deliberately, prioritizing more important needs, on the day when he is in a state of poverty and has needs." (HR. Muslim and Ahmad) - reference: Republika.

3. Don't spend money carelessly

Increasing your savings can help you reduce and avoid bad spending habits. Saving, in terms of managing finances, is an act of prioritizing more important needs, so that consumption is not excessive. Find out Ustadz Annan Hataki's discussion about bad spending habits according to Islamic views in this article.

By avoiding bad spending habits, you can more easily avoid the need to get into debt, especially for consumptive needs.

4. Share kindness through ziswaf

The financial management priority that was also recommended by the Prophet was to include the element of sadaqah. Helping others in need not only purifies your wealth and heart, but is also a form of prayer and passing on kindness.

Read more about the importance of sadaqah in Islam in this article.

Enjoy a Blissful Life by Always Being in Advance in Managing Finances According to Sharia with Jago Syariah

All of the Prophet's methods for managing finances above can be applied to become an important part of everyday life. You can experience the ease and practicality of managing finances in the way of the Prophet and according to Islamic teachings with Jago Syariah.

1. Separate and manage many needs using 60 Jago Syariah Pockets

atur uang seperti Rasulullah pakai 60 rekening jago syariah dengan akad wadiah dan mudharabah

Of course, life today is not as simple as in the time of the Prophet. There are many necessities of life that must be met, apart from clothing and food. For example, there is a need to pay monthly electricity, water and internet bills, transportation costs to get to and from work, pay children's school fees, and buy household needs. Don't forget sadaqah and zakat as a priority need as well.

Even though there are many needs to fulfill, you can manage everything more easily using 60 Jago Syariah Pockets. The Pocket have a function like an account. So, creating 60 Jago Syariah Pockets is the same as having 60 bank accounts to manage your finances.

60 Jago Syariah Pockets use two akad, namely Wadiah Yad Dhamanah (for Saving and Spending Pockets) and Mudharabah Muthlaqah (for Sharia Deposit). Not only can you manage your finances well, you can manage your finances more happily because Jago Syariah is in accordance with sharia.

2. Boost your savings using the Jago Syariah Saving Pocket or Sharia Deposit

perbanyak tabungan dengan buka deposito syariah dari aplikasi jago agar tidak boros

In the Jago application, you can choose a place to save that suits your needs. To save for short-term financial goals, for example, you can create several Jago Syariah Saving Pockets.

Meanwhile, for saving with long-term financial goals or building emergency funds, the Sharia Deposit is the right choice to consider. Learn the various benefits of opening Mudharabah savings in the form of Sharia Deposit here.

3. Consistently giving zakat and sadaqah through Jago Amal

prioritas zakat sedekah atur budget di kantong jago syariah dan donasi pakai jago amal

Share good deeds by setting aside some of your money to make your life more blessed using Jago Amal, which is available in the Jago application. Select either sadaqah or zakat category and make payments directly from the application.

Make sure you choose the right Pocket as a source of funds. For sadaqah and zakat, create its own Pocket so that the funds are not mixed with other expenses. Using Jago Amal, you can also choose the preferred organization yourself.

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Time to Manage Your Money
the Way You Want

Create up to 60 Jago Pockets (bank accounts) without monthly admin fees to start saving, transacting, and managing expenses.

Open a Term Deposit in minutes directly from the app and get competitive interest. Withdraw your Deposit early (if needed) without penalties. Plus, there is a free quota for inter-bank transfers and e-Wallet top-ups up to 150x according to Account Level.

Download Jago : download on app store download on google play

Grab your smartphone, scan the QR code below to download and register Jago from anywhere and anytime.

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